"A Deciduous Life" is a story that I wrote quickly one day when I was really depressed. I haven't written a story in this manner since I was in high school. It was peculiarly comforting and fun. My usual method these days is a slow and laborious process in which I ruin whatever good mood I started in by convincing myself that no word I ever write will be perfect, and so there is no point in ever writing a word.
So, perhaps appropriately, this story is about being terrified of nothing in particular, and of everything all at once. It is a story about living in trees and being frightened of growing old. If I am remembering correctly, it was a story about a kangaroo before it was a story about anything else. And now it is a story published on the sneaky and radiant Fiction at Work. (There isn't a direct link--click the link and then search for my name.)